On Tuesday 10 October 2006 03:45, Kari Hazzard wrote:

After writing the last response, another thought came to mind that I figured I 
should post - and should probably be set out in a "user's guide to posting on 
dev mailing lists".

I had the thought that users likely feel that it's okay to repeatedly post 
arguments for their point of view because they often see developers doing it. 
There is a very obvious parallel between users and developers in these 
threads in that both are lazy and thus want things done their own way in 
order to make their lives easier.

The important difference is that (usually :/) at least some of the developers 
of each point of view are willing to implement the whole lot themselves. What 
they are arguing about is how much effort they see will be needed in the long 
term. Even in the case where a developer with a conflicting point of view is 
not willing to do the work now, the developer will argue for the point of 
view as they can see themselves having to redo it later on anyway.

In the open source world, the driving theme is that there is often something 
good enough to not require reinventing the wheel but, in the end, "if you 
want a job done right, you've got to do it yourself."

Jason Stubbs
gentoo-dev@gentoo.org mailing list

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