четвер, 12. жовтень 2006 10:47, Stuart Herbert написав:
> This isn't going to bring any benefits to anyone.  If you want to help
> users find docs on programming languages on Gentoo (assuming there
> _are_ any users who don't know how to Google for such things), just
> get the docs team to organise 'Programming Languages on Gentoo' docs
> category on [1].  _That_ would be much more useful to users.
Sorry, I am not sure how it went this direction. I am not talking about "some 
language docs", these do not even belong to our space. I am talking about 
Gentoo and project specific issues. 

One thing is an organization - there are real projects related to languages 
and IMHO it only makes sense for them to belong to a common TLP since they 
are related. (And looks like a few more would be created to represent 
existing teams when the TLP is created).
Then there are some "use resources" specific to every project. These would be 
represented as that - resource links in index.xml pages, as for example done 
with multi-blas/lapack in sci.

This is all I am talking about. Sorry about confusion.


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