Hi, im sorry about "creating" a flamewar. But their are a view points
that disturb me really:

- The same installtion (networkless!) possibilites should be offered to
the people who install via the shell (the oldschool an most often used
way i believe), the ncurses-installer and the gtk-installer. I
personally think a real Stage-3 would be the best, but it would be also
good enough to have the possiblity to use the so called

We are Gentoo, not Windows, let us the Shell, Please don't play the role
of the "Force" and the "Clickadventure-Community". There is often not
only one right way, regluary their are more. One on the Shell, NCURSES,
QT, GTK and something between that over a totally other subset of
librarys and programs ;-)

The best way to solve problems, is a clear communication over officall
channels like the gwn.

- Just because a developer thinks it is good, it isn't good. Just
because a User think it is good, it isn't good.

If there are to less testers/volunters - here I'am! I will do what I can
in my possiblities for Gentoo and the Community. Give me the the link to
the next release, I will take a look on it.

- Gentoo isn't User-Centric. Gentoo isn't Developer-Centric.

Gentoo is used by a lot of users, because the love the system behind the
CFLAGS/USEFLAGS and PORTS. Gentoo is used by a lot of developers,
because the love the system behind the CFLAGS/USEFLAGS and PORTS, it is
perfect for Coders. A lot of Users become also Developers.

Your User, who try to become sb. who move sth.

gentoo-dev@gentoo.org mailing list

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