On Mon, 30 Oct 2006 22:33:26 +0100 Jakub Moc <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
| Ciaran McCreesh napsal(a):
| > | What on earth are you talking about here? And why almost 6 months
| > | is not enough for someone to respond on a bug with a simple
| > | "we'll only support newer versions and don't care about MySQL
| > | 4.0.x any more, go drop it"?
| > 
| > Priorities. The arch teams could be too busy dealing with other bugs
| > that matter more or too busy dealing with noise bugs.
| Sorry, taking 1 minute to respond on a bug after being poked for a
| couple of months is not a matter of priorities, but mere politeness
| and common sense. Seriously, you can't work productively with other
| people if they can't be bothered to write one sentence for months.

There are an awful lot of bugs requiring an awful lot of attention...

Ciaran McCreesh
Mail                : ciaranm at ciaranm.org
Web                 : http://ciaranm.org/
as-needed is broken : http://ciaranm.org/show_post.pl?post_id=13

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