[I'm separating the ABI issue into the thread below from Marius Mauch]

Stuart Herbert wrote:
> I'm interested in providing binary packages for updating
> systems, yes - systems that are running seeds.  Whether they're
> provided through Gentoo or not hasn't yet been discussed at all.  We
> need to actually finish and release the LAMP Server seed first :)
> I'm not interested in providing binary packages for a generic Gentoo
> 'binary' release.  My personal opinion is that this isn't what Gentoo
> is about.
Fair enough. It's your time, after all.

What I was wondering about was what mechanism you might use to provide those
binary packages; would other devs also be contributing? Or is there simply
nothing that might be useful for a binary distro?

>> I accept that for the enterprise compiling from source may well be
>> better, based on Robin Johnson's reply. However this point about system
>> breakage is serious *for users*.
> Yes - but binary packages on their own have nothing to do with
> preventing system breakage.  You're chasing completely the wrong bus
> to solve that problem.
OK my bad.
I understand what you're saying in the sense that binary distros break too.
Is that what you mean?

Is it correct that versioning the tree would solve it by allowing various
releases to stick to lower versions of packages until they have been QAed
by the gentoo community?

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