Mike Frysinger wrote:
> On Tuesday 30 January 2007 16:10, Jim Ramsay wrote:
> > In other words, I propose that this function should probably do
> > 'basename' on $exec before using it for the .desktop filename.
> no ... the point of using $exec is to make sure the .desktop file is unique
> i'll change it to sanitize the filename and turn them into underscores

Sure, but the name is already based on $exec AND ${PN} (and
SLOT too if SLOT != 0), so the uniqueness is already guaranteed
per-package, it would just be a matter of the package maintainer not
using the same exec twice in the same package, which probably
wouldn't even happen anyway.  I still think basename would be

> > I propose an optional environment variable an ebuild can set before
> > calling make_desktop_entry, called "DESKTOP_BASENAME", which would be
> > the basename of the file (not including the .desktop suffix) that the
> > function would use (if set) to create the file.
> env vars to functions are lame

In that case it could be another optional parameter instead.

> > 3 - Allow me to add other important settings like 'NoDisplay',
> > 'OnlyShowIn', and/or 'MimeType'.
> at this point, you might as well write your own .desktop file

Personally I'd rather just add one line to my ebuild as opposed to
creating and maintaining a .desktop file in the files directory.  This
would just add a useful feature for those who want that level of

Jim Ramsay
Gentoo/Linux Developer (rox)

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