On Mon, 19 Feb 2007 22:22:49 -0500 "Dan Meltzer"
| *packages where there is no stable version on that arch. (Or does
| adjutrix still suggest keywording.. its unclear)

Which is fine, since that means no tree bloat.

| * This doesn't address the initial claim that versions of packages are
| in the tree waiting on only a mips/lesser supported arch to keyword
| them.  It only says that some arch has keyworded a package stable, and
| others havn't, this does not show that version N is only in the tree
| because of arch xyz (which is why I stated that adjutrix doesn't do
| this).

adjutrix shows you what you really want to know, as opposed to your
ill thought out claim of what you think it should show. The metric,
specifically, is "packages that have a stable version on this arch that
have a better stable version on another arch", which is exactly how one
measures tree bloat.

If you consider "versions only in the tree for one arch" (which,
incidentally, is ill defined and ambiguous), the figure is even higher
in favour of alt archs, and highly rigged against archs that have more
packages stable or that stable new versions faster -- thus, your
suggestion isn't a fair benchmark, and even though the numbers make my
point even better than honest results, it wouldn't be fair or
meaningful to wave them around.

| * The numberes themselves could be considdered useless as it only
| shows packages which have been marked ~ on that arch in the past (not
| missing keywords)-- Therefore on an arch like x86/amd64 where more
| packages have been tested, there will be more to stabilize. (I realize
| that this doesn't really affect the initial claim any, just pointing
| out how the numbers are not that representative.

Except that the question is one of absolute tree bloat, and that's
exactly what the numbers I gave show. The whole "mips are slackers"
thing is blatantly untrue and a distraction from the real issue.

Ciaran McCreesh
Mail                                : ciaranm at ciaranm.org
Web                                 : http://ciaranm.org/
Paludis, the secure package manager : http://paludis.pioto.org/

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