"Rob C" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am a new Gentoo developer but I have worked on a number of other small
> projects. This list is a disgrace and most flames are nothing but
> showboating. If you have an issue then deal with it directly with whomever
> is causing the problem.
Dealing it who causes the problem is what the rules were meant to do:
They should not change anyones behaviour on a working mailing list, but do so, 
untill a list works again - that is, is (relatively) free of slandering and 
so on.

> Writing cutting comments on the list with no other intention than to
> belittle or discredit a member of the community is unacceptable. *Even* if
> your comments happen correct.
Well, you could hardly forbid people to say "It is a bad idea because xyz 
might happen." _even_ if it was only meant to discredit someone, because
you cant know if it was deliberately harmfull or not. therefore a repetition 
of the same fact for several times is to be avoided, so there is less picking 
on somebody.

> Please, lets use -dev for actual development. Perhaps we can have -bitch or
> -flame for those who really need to vent or to write mails that they know
> are blatant flame fodder.
I feel like the problem is that those who actually flame do feel like it is 
absolutely normal and dont seem to see why it is a bad thing to do, thus 
kindly asking them to stop it wont work, as far as i know of what happened 

One problem that will likely arise is that some blogs will get even more 
stupid, yet it is easier to avoid reading a blog than to avoid reading 
the -dev list, not to mention that active developers should of course apply 
the same rule of not using invectives in their blog, too.
I think it would brighten the appearence of gentoo somewhat again.
Some users will maybe still flame for a while, but their fuel should run short 
after some time I hope.


gentoo-dev@gentoo.org mailing list

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