Hi again.
Thank you all for your input so far, which I will evaluate together with
my trusted mentourage, er, the council.  I'd just like to clarify a
couple of things that seem to have left a few of you confused:

1. The Proctors is not a Userrel Sub project. The Code of Conduct would
apply to everyone choosing to participate in the community, developers
and users alike.

2. The Proctors is not a new name for Devrel. They would fall under
Devrel territory, but as a newly formed group under the leadership and
supervision of the Council. A decision as to numbers and electing
proctors has not yet been reached -- we are working out these details as
we speak. (My suggestion here is to select a group of people from a wide
variety of backgrounds within Gentoo, taking care to avoid 'old boys
clubs' and cliques)

3. The proctors would be given the access required to execute any
suspensions or similar actions.

4. By Gentoo fora/Official Communication Channels we refer to all
official channels of communication; MLs, IRC, Forums, IM, Bugzilla etc.
(This does NOT mean we are replacing guidelines for sub-fora -- the CoC
would be in addition to IRC and Forum guidelines).

5. The CoC would replace the current etiquette policy in the devrel

6. We intentionally choose to leave the CoC somewhat vague in places,
simply as we'd never finish were we to list every hypoethetical offense
someone could make.

7. It is up to the proctors and the Council to decide on how to best
deal with appeals and suchlike.

8. I am not a proctor, nor am I guaranteed a seat as a proctor should
this proposal be voted in by the Council. Nor am I infallible, and your
continued feedback is important to us and the development of Gentoo's
future Code of Conduct.  I also understand that the timeframe for
peer-review is shorter than what you have all expected (and wished for),
and I fully understand the annoyance in regards to this. It's shorter
than what we had originally aimed for.

Kind Regards,
Christel (who would have asked the foundation for funding to hire
leather clad kung-fu fighter babes and called them Christel's Angels
were it all up to her)

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