[replying here as it already cleared out a couple of things i wanted
to ask]

On Tue, Mar 13, 2007 at 05:19:03PM +0000, Christel Dahlskjaer wrote:
> 3. The proctors would be given the access required to execute any
> suspensions or similar actions.

Please define access. Does that mean they get to ban people from the
forums and all #gentoo-* channels? Do they get mod/op powers or just
request it from the respective forum moderators / channel operators
(who _have_ to follow their orders)?

This is also very unclear in the doc:
> Things that could get you banned/suspended from Gentoo's official
> communication infrastructure:

What exactly is Gentoo's official communication infrastructure? The
mailinglists? _All_ IRC channels? So far #gentoo and #gentoo-dev are
the only channels following some official policy, all others are ruled
by whatever project/owner they have (afaik, correct me if
wrong). Would a ban also affect all #gentoo-* channels and the forums?
Posting on planet? What about gentoo developers calling people names
in non-gentoo channels while wearing a gentoo cloak on irc or being
otherwise easily identified as such (e.g. posting flames to debian
mailing lists using @gentoo.org email)?

> 4. By Gentoo fora/Official Communication Channels we refer to all
> official channels of communication; MLs, IRC, Forums, IM, Bugzilla etc.

Kind of answers my question, but i'm still asking for confirmation
because i have a hard time believing it. Do the proctors get to
overrule every team that moderates some communication channel already?

> (This does NOT mean we are replacing guidelines for sub-fora -- the CoC
> would be in addition to IRC and Forum guidelines).

This should be added to the doc - as far i understand it defines
minimum standards, and there are additional rules for certain irc
channels and the forums (probably best to link them in the guide).

Furthermore this raises an important question for me:
So far, the forums moderators (as well as the ops in #gentoo) have
enforced their policies. As long proctors and mods/ops are of the same
opinion about a person, fine - but what about the following

- A developer misbehaves on the forums according to the forums staff
  and gets banned by them.

So far, it has been our policy (not written, and hardly used every 2
years) to let devrel know about it in case they wanted to do something
else about it. I guess it would make sense to continue that.
What if the proctors disagree with the ban?

- The proctors think someone is misbehaving on the forums and want him
  banned, while the forums staff think it is not ban worthy. What now?

> I also understand that the timeframe for
> peer-review is shorter than what you have all expected (and wished for),
> and I fully understand the annoyance in regards to this. It's shorter
> than what we had originally aimed for.

I seriously hope the council doesn't do a final vote on something
where a lot of details are yet unclear and undefined, otherwise i'll
vote the bums out. [1]
Don't get me wrong, it's about time to do something, but rushing
through something completely new probably will only make things worse.


[1] before anyone goes proctor on me, read
http://www.gentoo.org/proj/en/glep/glep-0039.html :-P

Wernfried Haas (amne) - amne at gentoo dot org
Gentoo Forums: http://forums.gentoo.org
IRC: #gentoo-forums on freenode - email: forum-mods at gentoo dot org

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