Alec Warner wrote:
> Ciaran McCreesh wrote:
>> * Portage.
> Portage is being incrementally improved.
My understanding was that the portage team can't move forward with a new
version until EAPI0 is done?
> I also think either you are ignoring the changes or you are just unaware
> of things that the portage team (aka Zac for the most part ;)) has been
> working on.  Many of these things are internal behind the scenes changes
> and they don't require any user-level modification.
Well having had to deal with emerge at a far more intimate level than I ever
wanted to (she forced me, your honour ;) I've definitely seen the
improvements. Especially once I started running it ~x86 to see the latest
tested changes.

>> * Low QA expectations.
> I can agree with parts of your statement.  Particularly the expectations
> are not set out anywhere (not even by the QA team).  There are no
> metrics, no data; it does not surprise me when QA is lax.
Blimey. Metrics are *easy*- computers spit out stuff all the time. The
harder part is filtering. What metrics are needed?

<snip> I could have a counterargument and say that you refuse to accept what
> the real problem is and instead blame the portage developers and the set
> of developers with poor QA habits; aka I think this is a bad argument
> because one would have to agree on the problems to acknowledge them.

> I think many people believe your involvement is a big problem and that
> is unfortunate; however the fact that you seem to continue in the same
> mannerisms without acknowledging that maybe you actually have negative
> social impact here...I think that is a bit hypocritical.  If projects
> within Gentoo can make an attempt to evaluate themselves and their
> affects on this mess; I think one person can do the same.
Look at the soul-searching seemant did on his blog; it really helped me
after i came over all `emotional' recently.

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