Steve Long <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> posted
[EMAIL PROTECTED], excerpted below, on  Fri, 16 Mar 2007 08:41:50

> Mauricio Lima Pilla wrote:
>> We are always ready to listen to feedback and constructive criticism,
>> but your constant trolling against the forums can't be classified as
>> such.
> IMO ciaran has definitely been trolling this list and it's doing my head
> in. Is there anyone else who feels the same, strongly enough to risk his
> ire?

That may or may not be, but I don't believe the list is the place to 
debate it.  If you believe anyone (in the generic, let's not name names 
here) is trolling, mail the proctors (or in the mean time, kloeri or 
kingtaco, who are setting up the initial proctor list, see the Summary 
for 15 March 2007 special council meeting on CoC thread).  Here isn't the 
appropriate place to discuss it.

I of course have an opinion and am tempted to post it, but shall 
restrain, because as I said, it's inappropriate here.

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