On Fri, 2007-03-16 at 00:50 +0000, Steve Long wrote:
> Jakob Buchgraber wrote:
> > So I just think something has to be changed e.g. making paludis an
> > official gentoo project and mentioning it in the docs, but keep portage
> > as the default pm.
> > If portage can't get improved, then people have to get informed that
> > there is a better alternative, because I know a lot of Gentoo users
> > having never heard about paludis and I also didn't know that it even
> > exists until a month ago.
> > 
> You (and others) should also be made aware of pkgcore then as it might turn
> out from these discussions that ciaran's future contributions will not be
> allowed in gentoo (unless i'm missing something.) In which case, I have no

You're missing something.  Notice that the Council did *not* agree to
banning contributions from people, only possibly removing them from the
discussion mediums due to their behavior.  We are trying to fix people's
behaviors, not remove them as possible contributors.  For one, it would
be very hard to accomplish and would require, in my opinion, too much
work for the perceived benefit we would gain.

> http://www.pkgcore.org/ if you want to see the other other package manager,
> written by one of the (core?) portage devs. Apparently it's where a

ex-portage devs (just to clarify)

Chris Gianelloni
Release Engineering Strategic Lead
Alpha/AMD64/x86 Architecture Teams
Games Developer/Council Member/Foundation Trustee
Gentoo Foundation

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