On Fri, 2007-03-16 at 13:33 +0900, Jason Stubbs wrote:
> Also part of the "maturity" point. Perhaps we all just need to grow up? ;)

I do think we have a significantly lower average age than the Linux
Kernel developer group.  This probably plays a significant role in how
things go on around here.

> This is an important point that I hadn't considered. It kind of resembles
> the affect of bad press coverage you mentioned earlier. I'm not sure that 
> there's much that can be done about it though - at least not in the short 
> term.

I think some gentle prodding by non-proctors (I know I'll be doing this)
for people to keep on-topic might help.  I'm sure it won't prevent every
flame from starting, but it might help some, and at this point, we need
all the help that we can get.

> Perhaps a code of conduct should be created that discusses how one should 
> behave rather than how one should not. Taking cues from member of LKML that
> show maturity as well as other communities that do well, it could cover what
> is expected in the situations where we are failing and extended as needed.

We actually have revised the code to read differently.  You should check
it out at http://www.gentoo.org/proj/en/council/coc.xml to see how it
has changed.  Also, we are planning on reviewing it again prior to the
next meeting.  I suggest that people take suggestions/comments on the
current incarnation on the gentoo-council mailing list, where it

> What do you think?

Chris Gianelloni
Release Engineering Strategic Lead
Alpha/AMD64/x86 Architecture Teams
Games Developer/Council Member/Foundation Trustee
Gentoo Foundation

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