On Mon, 19 Mar 2007 17:17:19 +0000, Steve Long wrote:

> TBH I think all that was needed was saying that the pre-existing rules
> apply to all on the dev m-l, and actually *enforcing* those rules for
> devs. Devrel is clearly not set up for that, so I support the new
> dev-mods (sorry proctors is a silly name imnsho as only Americans get
> it. I understand from a US buddy that a proctor is someone who gives
> you an aural examination cf viva. I /really/ dislike that connotation.)

That's a US-only usage. The British meaning is "an officer... appointed
annually and having mainly disciplinary functions"[1], which sums up the
post pretty accurately.

[1] Oxford English Dictionary

Neil Bothwick

X-Modem- A device on the losing end of an encounter with lightning.

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