> TBH I think all that was needed was saying that the pre-existing rules
> apply to all on the dev m-l, and actually *enforcing* those rules for devs.
> Devrel is clearly not set up for that, so I support the new dev-mods (sorry
> proctors is a silly name imnsho as only Americans get it. I understand from
> a US buddy that a proctor is someone who gives you an aural examination cf
> viva. I /really/ dislike that connotation.)
<quote source='The Oxford English Dictionary'>



b. In modern use, as at Oxford and Cambridge, each of two officers appointed 
annually to discharge various functions in connexion with the meetings of the 
University and its various Boards, the examinations and conferment of 
degrees, and the like; they are also charged with the discipline of all 
persons 'in statu pupillari', and the summary punishment of minor offences.

Seems to me that the use of the word 'proctor' is particularly apposite.

This absolutely ridiculous outburst of pseudo-legalistic onanism would have 
been avoided entirely if everybody using the lists had taken the Golden 
Rule "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you" to heart.
For e-mail lists the other rule is simply "Don't feed the trolls".

Viewing of Google Tech talk "How Open Source Projects Survive Poisonous 
People" http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-4216011961522818645
is recommended.

Let's just get over it.

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