On Fri, 2007-04-06 at 09:45 -0700, Ned Ludd wrote:
> Here is what I'm doing these days..

Let's see.  I'm currently leading the 2007.0 release, which includes
building LiveDVD releases for amd64/x86, LiveCD for alpha/ppc, and doing
the entire PPC release, since Pylon is currently away due to school.

Besides that, I'm coordinating the articles and DVD media for Linux+DVD
magazine for their upcoming Gentoo issue.  I've released new versions of
catalyst (2.0.3) and genkernel (3.4.7) and will likely be releasing
newer versions of both soon.  I have been working on the Catalyst
Reference Manual, which I expect to have ready soon to allow me to
stabilize catalyst 2.0.x and finally put catalyst 1.x to pasture.

Chris Gianelloni
Release Engineering Strategic Lead
Alpha/AMD64/x86 Architecture Teams
Games Developer/Council Member/Foundation Trustee
Gentoo Foundation

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