On Tue, 2007-04-10 at 21:32 +0200, Alexandre Buisse wrote:
> work. Stage 4's were going in this direction, but they were too isolated and, 
> as
> far as I know, they are dead now.

Wow.  I'm glad to see that yet another thing I spend so much time
working on is marginalized or otherwise discounted because someone
couldn't take 3 seconds to check their facts before making a post.  The
stage4 concept is alive and kicking.  It is one of the targets made by
catalyst, and likely something we will be utilizing much more in later

If anyone has further questions about the stage4 target or how it's
utilized in catalyst, feel free to drop onto the gentoo-catalyst mailing
list and ask.

Now, just to stay on topic with this posting, I have some simple (yeah
right) questions.

Will this actually resolve any of the recent problems?

Will this stop flame wars?

Will this cause people be nicer to each other?

Will this give us more qualified developers?

Will this increase the quality of the tree?

Restructuring the project isn't going to solve these problems.  At best,
it will mask them during the time that we've wasted restructuring only
to find that we are back with the same set of problems, though now
without any form of centralized management to have even the glimmer of
hope of being able to resolve them.  It will take us to a complete mess
of incompatible overlays and trees.  It also places the projects in a
hierarchy that doesn't match the actual power structure.

If the parent project doesn't govern the sub-project, then why is it a
sub-project, at all?

What exactly are all of us supposed to actually *do* while we're waiting
for the SCM conversion and for the package managers to get the support
necessary and all of the changes are made to the tree?  Do we simply
stop developing the distribution for days?  Weeks?  Months?

I think that the clique-like nature of many projects is part of the
problem.  We already have too much of a "us versus them" mentality.

How will moving to having lots of independent projects with no central
authority make Gentoo better?

Will it make the distribution better for our users?

Reading back over your proposal with my questions in mind leaves me with
exactly one last question.

What, exactly, is your proposal supposed to actually accomplish?

Chris Gianelloni
Release Engineering Strategic Lead
Alpha/AMD64/x86 Architecture Teams
Games Developer/Council Member/Foundation Trustee
Gentoo Foundation

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