On Saturday 14 April 2007 18:14:48 Luca Barbato wrote:
> Ciaran McCreesh wrote:
> > What, you're saying they all ship with test suites that exist but don't
> > work?
> anything that takes more than 10m to test is broken from an user point
> of view: you want the application,
Indeed, but speaking as a user, one wants the application to build and work, 
that is after all the whole point of installing a package.

> not having it tested.
That all depends. If having it tested means that it _will_ work, I'd be 
infavour of that. However I do appreciate that having every user's install 
repeating tests which have been done thousands of times before is probably 

How abouot setting the _default_ for test flags to true for '~' builds and 
false for supposedly stable builds?

[ all good stuff ]

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