On Tue, 2007-05-15 at 07:47 -0400, Caleb Tennis wrote:
> > Yeah, exactly. I was too late to have things sorted out with people
> > maintaining (or the lack of it) to have this stabilized together with
> > GNOME-2.16, as the biggest desktop environments need to be
> > revdep-rebuilt to a large extent if not using --as-needed.
> >
> > I hope you guys are going to do it together with a large KDE
> > stabilization spree then or something. I can time GNOME-2.16.3
> > stabilization to the same time as well, to minimize otherwise useless
> > revdep-rebuilding and include this with version updates.
> > Some pointer to use -X (--package-names) flag for revdep-rebuild
> > somewhere might be a good idea.
> I'm certainly happy to time it with these big events.  I think we're planning 
> on a
> KDE stabiliztion spree in a couple of weeks.  I'll open a bug and CC 
> interested
> parties.

Ok, I can't wait with GNOME-2.16.3 that long. I'm already late a month.
I wonder how much packages KDE needs rebuilt with the expat bump
(revdep-rebuild --library expat.so or something like that). Maybe
including it in the GNOME bumps is a good idea if that has it for more
packages than KDE.

As for SLOTting, it was considered to be a maintenance nightmare by the
person who was maintaining expat before, and as Caleb already pointed
out in the correct subthread, not SLOTting seemed to be sensible course
of action in this case as I gathered too some months back when looking
into this while making stabilization lists for gnome 2.16.

Mart Raudsepp
Gentoo Developer
Weblog: http://planet.gentoo.org/developers/leio

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