excerpted below, on  Thu, 12 Jul 2007 19:01:53 -0600:

>  Why don't we create the gentoo-project mailing
> list, and, you know, actually wait a bit to see how that actually goes.
>  Then we can talk about how best to handle -dev.  One shit at a time,
> people.


It should also be noted that it's council election time, and I don't 
believe a change such as closing -dev to moderated write status is really 
urgent enough to have the outgoing council handle.  Let the folks running 
for council now make their positions part of their platforms, and after -
project is up and running for a couple months and the new council is in 
place, /then/ let's see if moderating -dev remains a burning enough issue 
to be voted on.

Otherwise, what happens if the new council sees things differently.  If 
they reverse course, it's going to cause reverberations.  If they are 
unhappy with things but decide to uphold the previous council, well that 
has its own problems.

Here's what I'd suggest.  Let the current council have its vote -- as a 
recommendation for the new council, not a binding/active decision.  Then 
the new council can come in and build on those preliminaries, taking into 
account further developments as -project comes into its own, as they see 

If the recommendation from the old council and the implementation of the 
new council both go the same way, it'll be a VERY strong decision.  If 
the new council sees things differently, at least with it being an issue 
during the nomination and vote, they'll be able to point to that and say 
we did as we were elected to do.  Either way, I believe it'll be a rather 
stronger decision than if the outgoing council acts on it as what amounts 
to lame ducks.

Duncan - List replies preferred.   No HTML msgs.
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