On Tuesday, 18. December 2007 19:20:58 Joe Peterson wrote:
> I also do not see why there are not other more elegant, transparent,
> and automatic ways to determine EAPI without sourcing.  

How much easier can it be? The extension scheme is simple and would do the 
job nicely. 

> brainstorming, and there *must* be other ways that retain portage's
> elegance and simplicity.

A job done well and efficiently in a simple way *is* elegant in my book. 
Not that elegance matters much in the context of this discussion anyway. 

Nor is this about Portage, Paludis, pkgcore or any other package manager - 
this is one way to ease the transition from the current mode of 
operations (CMO) to future modes of operations (FMO) which currently has 
to be slow for compatibility. 

In the CMO, we have to wait for one *year* in the worst case to fully use 
new features. One year - that's above half the lifespan of the average 
Gentoo dev, measured from his evolvement from the bowls of the user pool 
to his rise into the Elysian Fields of retired devs.

In the proposed FMO we could proceed at a faster pace. Sure, we shouldn't 
create EAPIs like ebuilds but if a PM doesn't support an EAPI, it will 
know the moment it reads the filename and can simply ignore it. Finally, 
we could boldly go where no Gentoo dev has gone before - or at least not 
in time. ;-)

(Yes, I'm ignoring the other motivations for the moment.)

I don't really get all these arguments about this proposal being 
inconvenient for users - most of our users don't ever touch any ebuild 
directly. And if they do, they shouldn't have much problem reading a 
filename; after all they've managed to install Gentoo. ;->

Yes, I, too, hate it when some change breaks my precious scripts. I moan a 
bit in my study, complain to my wife about how bad the world is and then 
go on and *fix* my scripts. Really, it's not that hard. And if it is 
there are helpful people all around - in the forums, on the mailing 
lists, in our IRC channels. 

Of course, we can keep discussing 

- the merits or demerits of regular expression matching with respect 
to "ebuild.*", "ebuild-[a-Z0-9]*$" or whatever else comes to mind 
open-endly (sic!), 

- we can can discuss funny filenames as well because we all know how 
mighty important an ebuild's filename to the average user is compared to 
the minor issues like just getting his software installed,

- how to find ebuilds, ignoring the fact that most of our users don't 
really look for *ebuilds* but for *applications* which they find using 
emerge -s, inquisitio -<something>, eix, kuroo or whatever else floats 
their boats.

I just don't think these three roads really lead anywhere.

Best regards, Wulf

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