Ryan Hill schrieb:
> Bernd Steinhauser wrote:
>> I'm aware of the fact, that the revision of the currently installed
>> package is part of the environment and that is saved, but I'm not only
>> interested in the revision of the currently installed version, but also
>> in the revision of the previously installed version. Just wanted to
>> emphasize that again. ;)
>> Hope someone comes up with some good ideas. ;)
> Would something like this work for you?
> pkg_preinst() {
>     local pkgdate=$(date "+%Y%m%d %H:%M:%S")
>     subversion_wc_info
>     if [[ -n ${PORT_SCMDIR} ]]; then
>         [[ -e ${ROOT}/${PORT_SCMDIR}/${PN}.revision ]] \
>             && cp "${ROOT}/${PORT_SCMDIR}"/${PN}.revision "${T}"
>         echo "${pkgdate} - ${P} was merged at revision
>             >> "${T}"/${PN}.revision
>         insinto "${PORT_SCMDIR}"
>         doins "${T}"/${PN}.revision
>     fi
> }
> that's for subversion of course.  set PORT_SCMDIR in make.conf.

This is sort of what I thought of (of course you brought it into
detail), but I didn't know if there is maybe a better way, or if there
is actually a way to do this after the installation and not in preinst.
But I guess if nobody comes up with something better this is the way to
do it.
Maybe sth. like elog, just you don't log a message to summary.log, but
you log the revision of the package.
(Meaning, that you can use elog in every phase of an ebuild.)

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