Marius Mauch wrote:
> "Robin H. Johnson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Basic demographics - a bunch of this should probably be optional but 
>> recommended
>> - Gender (M, F, and the various other forms here)
>> - Year of birth
>> - # of children??
>> - How many years have you been using computers?
>> Sociocultural information (again, optional stuff):
>> - Location (country, and free-form city)
>> - Level of education?
>> - Job? (type coding this one is hard, and I'd prefer not to have it)
>> - Income level
> Such questions usually are a reason to not complete a survey for me, and I 
> don't see how they are relevant to us (except for maybe location).

I agree, though year of birth might be interesting.  Income and children are a
bit too private.

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