
Chris Gianelloni <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> If I don't hear any complaints, I'd like to go ahead and get a GMN
> article together.

 Good to go in my eyes...
> Do we really need a front-page news item for this?  I don't think the
> impact would be terribly great, as I suspect this affects a very small
> number of people whom are likely to be more advanced users.  I think
> adding the info to GMN/gentoo-dev-announce/gentoo-user should suffice.
> If someone thinks we need to do a front-page article, we can do that,
> too.

 And I agree here, too.


P.S.: Wow, I made an AOL.

Christian Faulhammer, Gentoo Lisp project
<URL:http://www.gentoo.org/proj/en/lisp/>, #gentoo-lisp on FreeNode


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