Reordering the email a bit...

On Sun, Mar 30, 2008 at 03:48:11AM +0100, Ciaran McCreesh wrote:
> On Sat, 29 Mar 2008 19:39:02 -0700
> Brian Harring <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > The reason I'm emailing -dev is to ensure there is consensus on 
> > leaving off an explicit -r0 in the ebuild name- long term, it seems 
> > folks always followed the rule but it needs to be codified due to 
> > problems with uniquely identifying the ebuild in the repo.
> Please think things through before asking to have pkgcore's bugs 'fixed'
> via specification next time...

Suspected this angle would be raised, and I'm going to be dead clear 
here- while pkgcore smoked out the addition to the tree (benefit of 3 
different implementations), pkgcore shouldn't explode on it.  That in 
of itself is a pkgcore bug, and not what this thread is about.

What this email is about is the inconsistancy allowed on disk and the 
fact explicitly leaving -r0 out of on disk name thus far seems to be 
an unofficial gentoo-x86 standard.

> Uniquely indentifying an ebuild is an issue regardless of whether or
> not -r0 is allowed. See PMS section 2.4.

Stating that each cpv in a repo must be unique ignores that there are 
multiple ways to specify certain cpv's due to implicit 0 (both suffix 
and rev).  Frankly it's pretty stupid to state "it must be unique" 
while allowing multiple ways for people to screw up and violate that 

Intentionally allowing gotchas is dumb behaviour- removal of the 
gotcha is the intention here.

> We already allow and use _alpha and _alpha0 (which
> mean the same thing) and so on.

Add it to the list then; purpose of this thread is to push the 
uniqueness constraint down to the on disk repo itself, instead of 
just doing a bit of hand waving that folks can't do it.

If it's part of the on disk layout, it's an easier QA check (and 
easier implementation per PM); KISS basically.

> You'd also be forcing special-casing of
> eclasses that would otherwise just use PVR in dep strings.

Ironically enough, this smoked out another reason for codifying 
explicit -r0; portage's exported PVR for '1.0-r0' is '1.0', which PMS 
disagrees w/ portage/pkgcore on .  Kind of reinforces the unofficial 
standard angle to say the least.

Either way, in combination with some abuse of versionatior, an -r0 in 
the ebuild filename *could* make things easier for some eclass 
hackery if PVR passed through the explicit -r0.

Keyword there is 'hack' however- if you have to rely on explicit -r0 
to make eclass/PVR abuses simpler, then it's time for some quick 
compat code.  Alternatively, time to adjust portage/pkgcore's PVR to 
automatically force -r0 in PVR (which is a far more disruptive change 

This is presuming this is what you're referring to of course- entirely 
possible the vagueness above is referring to something else, which 
case please clarify/expand.


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