On 10:54 Sat 10 May     , Duncan wrote:
> Donnie Berkholz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> posted [EMAIL PROTECTED],
> excerpted below, on  Thu, 08 May 2008 16:33:28 -0700:
> > Here is the summary from today's council meeting. The complete log will
> > show up at http://www.gentoo.org/proj/en/council/ shortly.
> FWIW, the log entry at the URL above is still yielding a 404.  <poke>  
> Yes, I know "shortly" is relative, but in the absolute, it /has/ been a 
> day and a half.  =8^/

Thanks for the report.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] $ cci "Rename log to correct name (.txt instead of .log). 
Reported by Duncan."

Gentoo XML-QA-checker called.  In case of troubles, contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

/var/cvsroot/gentoo/xml/htdocs/proj/en/council/meeting-logs/20080508.log,v  <-- 
new revision: delete; previous revision: 1.1
/var/cvsroot/gentoo/xml/htdocs/proj/en/council/meeting-logs/20080508.txt,v  <-- 
initial revision: 1.1
Mailing the commit message...

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