On 13 Jun 2008, at 11:16, Patrick Lauer wrote:
Then don't do it. You are doing a very bad marketing for the pkgcore guys with your whinnings.

I'm not a pkgcore guy. If anything I'm a portage supporter. That I accidentally host pkgcore.org doesn't mean I'm "one of them".

Were you able to read English you'd have noted that I implicitly excluded you from the "pkgcore guys" in that sentence.

Yes, we are aware of that bug in a feature we consider highly experimental.
Hmm, I'd have guessed config files are moderately relevant. And why don't y'all fix a bug like that? First you insult others for not doing tests, then you show a lack of tests and are proud of it. Augh.

Use of Portage configuration files will lead to sub-optimal performance and loss of functionality. Full support for Portage configuration formats is not guaranteed; issues should be reported via trac.

That's the pretty nice warning. Full support is not guaranteed. We do take sane patches, however.

Stop flaming, please.

- ferdy

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