On Thu, Jun 19, 2008 at 5:58 PM, Patrick Börjesson
> On 2008-06-19 04:09, George Prowse uttered these thoughts:
>> In the end, PMS is just a way for them to spread their own agenda and force
>> it on both the developers and the users so maybe it would be best for all
>> if paludis and it's developers were to concentrate on making paludis for a
>> different distro. Trollix may be a good place to start...
> I'm pretty sure "they" have no leverage what so ever to force the Gentoo
> community into ANYTHING, so kindly lay off the exaggerations.

The point is that their replies to the mailing list waste a lot of
time and energy since people will *always* reply to them. Even if half
the community decides (out of the half that hasn't unsubscribed or
left because of them) not to reply to them, someone from the other
half will reply, and the thread will again spiral downwards.

I recommend seeing (at least) the first 5-10 mins of
http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-4216011961522818645 (posted
by Roy Maples in this same thread)

> If you're
> not happy with the way that PMS is developed, fork it. It's open source.
> That's the way open source development works; if you're not happy with
> something, fix it (iow, do the damn work yourself instead of complaining).

I completely agree. They should stop pushing it in everyone's faces.
We all know PMS exists. When the developer community thinks it's
ready, council will approve it.

> I'm not a proponent for any side here, but i'm getting mighty fucking
> irritated of the personal attacks. I know it's impossible for some
> people, and it's probably an unreachable ideal, but could everyone just
> think a couple of extra seconds about the technical aspects instead of
> just lashing out because someone indirectly calls you an idiot when you
> mess up.

The problem, of course, comes up when one side likes to mix technical
replies with personal attacks[1][2][3][4][...].

3,4,... Many many more. I don't intend to waste time searching for them.

~Nirbheek Chauhan
gentoo-dev@lists.gentoo.org mailing list

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