Donnie Berkholz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> posted
[EMAIL PROTECTED], excerpted below, on  Thu, 31 Jul 2008
23:22:05 -0700:

> I waste a lot of time digging through lists looking for requested agenda
> items, and I could be spending it making Gentoo better instead.

BTW, thanks for all the hard work you put into this thing.  It does seem 
things re the council are coming together, and it appears a lot of it is 
your doing.  I know /somebody's/ doing a lot of grunt work on this, and 
you're certainly the visible one.  It does give one pause as to what sort 
of shape we/Gentoo might be in if you'd not stepped up and started 
beating things into shape, by shear force of will and effort devoted, it 
would seem.  Others might talk, but someone had to actually step up and 
do something, and I'm glad "someone" did, so thanks, both to you and to 
anyone else playing a (rather less visible) hand in making it happen! =8^)

Duncan - List replies preferred.   No HTML msgs.
"Every nonfree program has a lord, a master --
and if you use the program, he is your master."  Richard Stallman

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