On 14:12 Fri 01 Aug     , Ferris McCormick wrote:
> Required ethical disclaimer:  I provide this only for information.  It
> is not a legal opinion, nor am I qualified to give a legal opinion on
> international privacy laws.  I will go so far as to say that the
> Freenode privacy statement looks as if it was drafted by a lawyer to
> ensure Freenode's users that (to quote):
> "PDPC will not publish that information or provide it to any other third
> party without your explicit permission, except as required by law or as
> appropriate in the course of an investigation of criminal wrongdoing.
> PDPC will make a good faith effort to maintain the privacy of your
> personal information."
> Thus they are exposed to a law suit if they provide the information I
> think you are asking for.
>  (Privacy policy at: http://freenode.net/group_privacy.shtml )

The only thing I have to add to this is the missing context. This policy 
applies only to contact information:

"PDPC may provide your personal or group contact information to its 
volunteers, employees or contractors, solely to allow them to contact 
you on its behalf or to verify the accuracy of the group or personal 
information you provide. PDPC will not publish that information or 
provide it to any other third party without your explicit permission, 
except as required by law or as appropriate in the course of an 
investigation of criminal wrongdoing. PDPC will make a good faith effort 
to maintain the privacy of your personal information. "


Donnie Berkholz
Developer, Gentoo Linux
Blog: http://dberkholz.wordpress.com

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