excerpted below, on  Sat, 16 Aug 2008 20:46:11 -0500:

> On Sat, Aug 16, 2008 at 10:39:41PM +0300, Petteri R??ty wrote:
>> Title: World file handling changes in Portage-2.2 
>> Author: Petteri R??ty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> Author: Zac Medico <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> Content-Type: text/plain
>> Posted: 2008-XX-XX
>> Revision: 1
>> News-Item-Format: 1.0
>> Display-If-Installed: >sys-apps/portage-2.2_rc8
>> As of Portage 2.2 the world set does not include the system set any
>> more. If you want emerge --update --deep @world to update the system
>> set too, you need to add @system to the new world_sets file in
>> /var/lib/portage/. For more information on world_sets see man portage.
> This brings up a question.

I've a question as well, but a different one.

Running portage-2.2_rc8 (the latest as of this morning's update), every 
time I try to emerge -NuD system, it tries to add @system to /var/lib/
portage/world_sets (saying recording it in world favorites file, but it 
goes in world_sets not in world), regardless of the fact that I don't 
WANT system included in world and in spite of all the einfos and posts 
here and etc to the contrary.

I like world NOT including system, but it seems at present, portage is 
trying to FORCE it to include it anyway, despite the einfo and all the 
messages I've read here to the contrary.  I was /wondering/ why despite 
all the messages to the contrary, it seemed world still included system.  
After reading this thread, I took another look at the above fine and 
decided I must have put it there when I first upgraded, and forgotten 
about it.  So I removed it.  Next thing I know, it's back!  Then I look 
and sure enough, portage keeps putting it back every time I remove it!  
That's not nice!

Current workaround: Since I don't have anything else I need to list in 
world_sets I simply symlinked it to /dev/null, so portage writes @system 
into /dev/null and system and world continue to be separate as they're  
supposed to be!  Now it can write @system into world_sets all day, and it 
won't change anything.

Duncan - List replies preferred.   No HTML msgs.
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