Fabian Groffen wrote:
On 17-09-2008 09:59:42 +0200, "C. Bergström" wrote:
Why not simply alias patch=gpatch in profile.bashrc?
See the FreeBSD profile for an example.
I'd like to package portage for OpenSolaris and have it just drop-in work so modifications like what you suggest wouldn't be required. Hopefully, base-system maintainers don't mind my request, but I can understand it's beyond the Linux use case.

As I understood it, you want to package (Prefix) Portage for
(Open)Solaris, but without USERLAND=GNU like Gentoo Prefix does.  You
want all eclasses, ebuilds and portage itself to work with the Solaris
userland tools.

Not exactly..

1) yes I'm patching (prefix) portage for OpenSolaris.. I say OpenSolaris because while I'm doing best effort to make it as portable as possible, but can't test and don't much care about prior versions w/o source.

2) OpenSolaris comes with most GNU tools by default (except sed/find) , but appends a g to the front
File: `/usr/gnu/bin/sed' -> `../../bin/gsed'

I'd happily not bring this issue and bother anyone, but on every sync that eclass is going to get overwritten and the change is pretty minimal.

In regards to the ebuilds I will manage an overlay containing mostly repackaged sources from upstream. The end goal being able to repackage the entire OpenSolaris distribution built with portage from source.

Thanks for the minute


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