On 01:55 Tue 27 Jan     , Alec Warner wrote:
> Getting Index2 live is I think a different operational issue (that 
> changes to the website are very slow) and really has nothing to do 
> with PR aside from them not nagging someone to commit it ;)

In this case, Xavier had it ready in early January, and I was blocking 
on it for the last 2 weeks to write up an announcement.

> PR@ is a nghtmare of spam and what I'll term 'crap.'  having real 
> things marked as such with informative subjects would be useful. 
> having some kind of rotation would be useful having some kind of vague 
> 'we will read and respond within 3 days unless its a holiday' would be 
> useful.
> Right now the expectations of pr@ are non-existent and apparently 
> think the mail is read and answered quickly.  In reality only Donnie 
> reads it and replies; he has a busy as hell personal life and I'm 
> surprised he manages to read it at all.
> So I would like to set expectations ;)

Yes, it would be a good idea to put expectations wherever people find 
our contact info. Here's roughly what they are:

1. If it is a prewritten news item that needs editing, it will get a quick 

2. If it is news that is not accompanied by a draft of some sort, no 
estimated response time. This point is where I think we have the biggest 
opportunity for improvement.

3. If it is an additional vendor listing for CDs, no estimated response 
time. These generally get batched and done at extended intervals.

4. If it is a user support request, no estimated response time. 
Occasionally someone will respond to say that we don't do support at pr@ 
and point at appropriate places like forums, lists, IRC.


Donnie Berkholz
Developer, Gentoo Linux
Blog: http://dberkholz.wordpress.com

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