On Monday 02 of February 2009 22:15:53 Luca Barbato wrote:

> not sure how useful could be but could make more sense even if right now
> kde-base contains everything comes from the main kde distribution.

To be more specific, kde-base contains everything (and only) that is 
distributed as KDE stable release (no extragear included). And it causes 
confusion as when packages are dropped from KDE release schedule (so they 
usually go back to extragear to release when they want), one needs to look to 
new place for them (in kde-misc or somewhere else).
Actually categories are bad idea imho.
I was thinking, maybe it would be possible to drop categories completely in 
the future (maybe keeping symlinks for compatibility and to ease migration) 
and to put *all* packages in one directory - that would require making all 
names unique of course.
"Categorization" could be provided for user/search tools as tag clouds being 
defined in metadata.xml as vector of tag:weight values where tag would be some 
word from defined dictionary (word like "mail" "client" "kde" "dns" or sth) 
and weight - real value [0,1] defining how relevant is that tag.
For compatibility's sake symlinks could be provided, in.ex. sys-devel/gcc -> 
But that's just an off-topic.


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