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Caleb Cushing wrote:
>> Your demands because of your feelings of entitlement are what are costing you
>> respect.
> why do people keep telling me what I feel? anyone else ever notice
> feelings don't convey well over text.

Well, you spoke of "owing users", and "the right to open a bug and watch for
progress reports" combined with this:

"right now you are the kind of person that thinks being a volunteer is a
privilege and not a responsibility. You think that because you don't get paid
that you don't have to do it. I assure you that if you look at most non foss
volunteer jobs you either have to do your job or quit. it is the same in open
source. perhaps I'm judging you wrongly." --

It seems like you want to tell us how to do our jobs. It seems like you think
you have the right to tell us what to do. Now, I'm happy to be wrong about those
views, but that's what it looks like to me.

>> Yes, it's extremely frowned upon to step on another developers toes; Gentoo 
>> is
>> not a one-man show. Would you like ME to stomp all over your tree? Didn't 
>> think so.
> that depends on what you mean by 'stomp' if by stomp you mean fix
> problems for users, stomp away. if by stomp you mean break stuff, then
> no. I don't care if you change something I changed if it's better,
> it's better.

The point is that you don't know whether someone else has a good judgement of
better. People that have been taking care of certain parts of the tree may just
know something you don't. This is why we encourage people to talk to maintainers
when they touch their packages but also encourage maintainers not to feel too

>> Just so we're clear. I really hope you change your attitude and take Peter
>> Alfredsen (loki_val) up on his generous offer.
> and my attitude is? what is it that you think I think?

I've answered that above.

> I may take him up. but I'm also considering the possible conflict of
> interest, as well as the additional time requirement. I hope you
> understand. even if I do I have a commitment to what I've already
> started.

On your blog[1] you imply that if you decide to not, that you wouldn't be able
to "to talk to people to understand something". I just want to stress that this
is not so. Many of us are available on #gentoo-dev-help and this mailing list
for technical questions.



- --
Sarcasm puts the iron in irony, cynicism the steel.

Marijn Schouten (hkBst), Gentoo Lisp project, Gentoo ML
<http://www.gentoo.org/proj/en/lisp/>, #gentoo-{lisp,ml} on FreeNode
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