Le 07/03/2009 09:10, Caleb Cushing a écrit :
If you had really been prepared you already had 2 or more janitors.

While I really appreciate you comparing us to janitors, ...

the answer is not to fire people, but not to be as reliant on single
points of failure. if you make it more than 1 persons job then when 1
person can't do it there's another there to pick up the slack, who's
just as competent.

... I would say you're both right and wrong on that point.

I happen to believe we've been pretty good at reducing our global "bus factor". There's more communication between teams and a lot of devs belong to multiple teams.

We could do better, sure, but we're much better than a year or two ago.

And to close off, I'll say a few things about your attitude back in bug 260582.

#1 : I closed that bug because we already know about bumps. Polluting our bug list with stuff we're _already_ working on is both useless for you and annoying for us.

#2 : One of the point of the X11 overlay is to literally shove stuff that is too broken/untested to hit portage. So by all means, nothing in this overlay is supported (in the traditional Gentoo sense).

#3 : When we feel xorg 1.6 is ready for portage, we'll just push it there. By the time we go back to bugzilla to close the bug, you'll already know about it.

#4 : I work on Gentoo because I like it and I do take the responsibility very seriously. I don't need you or anyone else to tell me that I "need to do my job". That's just condescending and downright rude.

So, I'll leave this bug open because I definitely don't want to start a flamewar over this, but do know that you've red-flagged yourself.

I do hope though we can go all go back to fixing bugs and making Gentoo better.



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