Ryan Hill <dirtye...@gentoo.org> posted
20090306194452.6b5bf...@halo.dirtyepic.sk.ca, excerpted below, on  Fri, 06
Mar 2009 19:44:52 -0600:

> You can give [metagen] a herd, maintainer name/email, maintainer
> description, package description, etc., and it will hock out a xml
> loogie for you.

LOL.  Never seen it described quite /that/ way before, but it's... 
interesting! =:^)

> I've been meaning to update it [...] as a learn-python project,
> but like all my learn-* projects it's never gotten anywhere.

You to, eh?  (For me, the dev-manual, etc, and perhaps ultimately,
Gentoo-dev, is on that list, too.)  Well, one thing's for sure, a long 
list /does/ tend to be a decently effective boredom repellent...

What's frustrating is that as one gets older (42 here), it's no longer 
possible to work all day and study/play all nite for 36 hours at a 
stretch, and be effective at both, as it used to be.  But the internal 
scheduler doesn't seem to understand that so keeps adding stuff to that 
todo list as if it were!

So all you youngun's out there, pick it up while you can!  Oh, and 
[waving cane] GET OFF MY LAWN!!

Duncan - List replies preferred.   No HTML msgs.
"Every nonfree program has a lord, a master --
and if you use the program, he is your master."  Richard Stallman

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