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Tiziano Müller wrote:
| Hi everyone
| With eapis 1 and 2 we introduced nice features but also a couple of new
| problems. One of them are the use dependencies when the package you
| depend on doesn't have the use flag anymore (see [1] for an example).
Hello all,

~ Now that this topic was brought to light, I would like to add another point...

~ I'm not sure if this has been worked out, or I just don't know how it is done, but a lot of python packages ~ need to check use flags for dev-lang/python, like tk or threads for example. Now this is tricky considering the slotting of
~    the interpreter. Let me give you an example:

~ Suppose I have both python-2.5 and python-2.6 installed. python-2.5 was installed with tk use flag enabled but python-2.6 has it disabled. ~ When some package tries to check for foo? ( dev-lang/python[tk] ) it will merge nicely because the use dep restriction is achieved with python-2.5, even ~ if python-2.6 is the selected interpreter and it misses the tk use flag. Is there a way to workaround this? am I missing something? or is just something else
~    to take into account for next eapi?

~    Thanks a lot,

~    Best regards,

~    Jesus Rivero (Neurogeek)
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