On Sun, Mar 08, 2009 at 09:42:29AM -0700, Donnie Berkholz wrote: > On 08:49 Sun 08 Mar , Tiziano M?ller wrote: > > So I think it's time for a short eapi bump with some distinct > > improvements: > > > > http://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=pPAJXP6shYH78lCXeqRqCUQ > > - I understand the reasoning for the SRC_CONFIGURE_WITH blah stuff. I > strongly oppose this implementation because it makes ebuilds less like > bash scripts that are easy to understand. Instead I suggest extending > use_with() and use_enable() to accept multiple sets of arguments > (alternately, making custom, similar functions that will take multiple > args). Combined with the addition of src_configure() in EAPI=2, the > amount of code could be a large reduction from existing versions without > raising the barrier to entry.
While I understand your concerns about the SRC_CONFIGURE stuff, there are two points I'd like to make; 1) The barrier to entry is negligible. How much more difficult is it for someone to learn what CONFIGURE_ENABLES=( 'foo foobar' ) ? I didn't find it difficult at all(and I've used them). 2) src_configure is just one part; src_compile has uses as does src_install. In fact, if you want to do patches, src_prepare would be in there too. What I'm saying is that focusing on the one part(configure) is ignoring the good part of the rest of the proposal. Regards, Thomas -- --------- Thomas Anderson Gentoo Developer ///////// Areas of responsibility: AMD64, Secretary to the Gentoo Council ---------
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