On Sun, Mar 08, 2009 at 09:42:29AM -0700, Donnie Berkholz wrote:
> On 08:49 Sun 08 Mar     , Tiziano M?ller wrote:
> > So I think it's time for a short eapi bump with some distinct
> > improvements:
> > 
> > http://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=pPAJXP6shYH78lCXeqRqCUQ
> - I understand the reasoning for the SRC_CONFIGURE_WITH blah stuff. I 
> strongly oppose this implementation because it makes ebuilds less like 
> bash scripts that are easy to understand. Instead I suggest extending 
> use_with() and use_enable() to accept multiple sets of arguments 
> (alternately, making custom, similar functions that will take multiple 
> args). Combined with the addition of src_configure() in EAPI=2, the 
> amount of code could be a large reduction from existing versions without 
> raising the barrier to entry.

While I understand your concerns about the SRC_CONFIGURE stuff, there
are two points I'd like to make;
1) The barrier to entry is negligible. How much more difficult is it for
someone to learn what CONFIGURE_ENABLES=( 'foo foobar' ) ? I didn't find
it difficult at all(and I've used them).
2) src_configure is just one part; src_compile has uses as does
src_install. In fact, if you want to do patches, src_prepare would be in
there too. What I'm saying is that focusing on the one part(configure)
is ignoring the good part of the rest of the proposal.

Thomas Anderson
Gentoo Developer
Areas of responsibility:
AMD64, Secretary to the Gentoo Council

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