Am Montag, den 04.05.2009, 15:35 +0300 schrieb Markos Chandras:
> On Monday 04 May 2009 14:50:56 Ferris McCormick wrote:
> > On Mon, 4 May 2009 04:34:20 -0400
> [..]
> > I've been a developer a bit over 5 years.  We know the problems and are
> > working to fix them.
> >
> I am sure that you know them. But those problems are the reasons why more and 
> more developers are demotivated and leaving Gentoo. 'Fixing' those problems 
> should be a N1 priority on every gentoo council meeting until they are gone. 
> There is absolutely no point in trying to introduce new features and stuff 
> when 
> we are so understaffed. First we need to bring more people on Gentoo and keep 
> the current manpower motivated. When we are done with that, we can focus on 
> features :\

The point of most features is to make maintenance easier and reduce
breakages at user-side which hopefully reduces the amount of bugs
reported because of such breakages and keep our users happy and happy
users are more likely to contribute or become devs when they see some
But you're right, we have to find the balance somehow...

Tiziano Müller
Gentoo Linux Developer, Council Member
Areas of responsibility:
  Samba, PostgreSQL, CPP, Python, sysadmin, GLEP Editor
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