AllenJB wrote:
> Hi all,
> As a user, I'd like to encourage developers to make use of news items
> (eselect news) for important changes. I find them much more noticeable
> than elog messages (which, while I have set them up so they get
> emailed to me, I admit I don't always read). I think they're also
> easier to go back and re-read later (not everyone knows how to dig out
> old elog messages).
> 2 recent changes I would suggest having news items for are the libpcre
> .la files issue, because it often doesn't get noticed until later when
> builds fail, and the masking of the "kdeprefix" use flag as this is a
> fairly major change and I think it's useful for users to know why
> these changes are being made.
> Another case is that prior to it's masking, the "kdeprefix" use flag
> was deprecated, with only an elog message on every kde package to
> notify users, resulting in users who have their elog messages emailed
> to them receiving a very large number of emails all with the same
> content - I would also suggest news items in such cases in future.
> Thanks to all the developers who worked to bring us this long awaited
> feature - I think it's brilliant, so please use it!
> AllenJB

I would like to see what you guys think about a small feature.  Is there
a way to put a number next to each item and then we can select by the
number instead of typing the LONG name for the item?  Sort of like
gcc-config -l does its listing and you can set with the appropriate number.

This would save time and some typing and seems like something that would
be fairly easy to do. 


:-)  :-) 

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