On Fri, 3 Jul 2009 02:08:48 -0700
Brian Harring <ferri...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Actually pkgcore folk have pushed for stuff.  mtime preservation is a 
> simple example of things I've pushed for- at the time implemented by 
> portage/pkgcore, eliminates the orphan potential for .pyc and other 
> generated files (iow, very useful).

The mtime preservation implemented by (recent -- earlier versions
mirror what Paludis still does) Portage versions has problems that
you're fully aware of. We're looking at fixing it properly, including
addressing the problems you're trying to brush under the carpet, for
EAPI 4 rather than EAPI 3 simply because the Council chose to freeze
EAPI 3 before a full solution had been proposed.

> My personal opinion on what goes into PMS is that it's typically only
> stuff that paludis supports already (or is a direction paludis wants
> to go towards).  Could be wrong, but that's my opinion of it via
> watching/involvement in it from it's public inception.

Er, not in the least bit.

Out of the 7 features in EAPI 2:

* One was a last minute workaround for a Portage behaviour change that
  broke things.
* Five were feature requests from Gentoo developers.
* One was a response concocted by Paludis people in response to a
  common problem described by Gentoo developers.

Out of the 18 features in EAPI 3:

* 14 were feature requests from Gentoo developers.
* 1.5 were directly from Portage.
* 1.5 were technicalities worked out based upon real world testing of
  proposed features by Paludis people.
* One was a colaboration between the Portage and Paludis people.

Paludis had support for nine of these beforehand.

> In terms of involvement in PMS, frankly it's not worth it from where 
> I'm sitting due to ciarans behaviour.  Simplest explanation possible 
> there is that w/ ciaran being effectively the loudest voice PMS wise,

...because I do most of the work, and I'm not interested in spending
weeks discussing proposals I think are a really bad idea with the
Council. There's nothing to stop you from doing that if you believe
something should be in an EAPI -- you're welcome to champion your own
feature requests.

Also, I'll remind you that our current "rejected patches" list is
sitting at approximately one item...
> combined w/ behaviour involving sitting on bugs in competing managers

I've given up looking at pkgcore's code or trying to test it. The only
bugs I'm aware of in pkgcore are those that've been reported by other
Ciaran McCreesh

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