Ben de Groot <> said:
> So hereby we announce the Gentoo Multimedia overlay. It is located at
> and any developers who want to
> join can let us know their gitorious account name, so they can be added.
> Administration of the overlay will be shared among the participating
> Gentoo devs, so new committers can quickly be added. Any users that want
> commit status can get access after their work is found to be of
> sufficient quality. We encourage this, as the overlay is also a training
> ground for new contributors to Gentoo.

Why can't this be on our official overlays?  Is there a technical
reason, because we seem to just be spreading things out even more than

Mark Loeser
email         -   halcy0n AT gentoo DOT org
email         -   mark AT halcy0n DOT com
web           -

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