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Petteri Räty wrote:
> I wrote a script to check which ebuilds use built_with_use and have
> keywords in never versions making the ebuild unused. This means that
> neither arch or ~arch users are likely to install the ebuild. The script
> and the list of ebuilds is attached. I plan on removing all these
> ebuilds two weeks from now unless a reason is given why not to. If you
> see an ebuild on the list that should be kept, please migrate it to EAPI
> 2. If you need assistance in migrating, I can help. With these gone
> built_with_use usage will be down to about 600:

I have some ebuilds on the list: plt-scheme, stklos, lilypond. I usually clean
up unused ebuilds some time after a new version has gone stable.

Anyway my question is: what is the point of removing unused versions in the
proposed manner? If the newer version is not ported to EAPI 2 and also uses
built_with_use what do we gain? Even if it is already ported, do we gain
anything by the propsed removal? Are all unused ebuilds evil?

If built_with_use is to be eliminated from the tree I propose that effort is
directed towards porting and stabling ebuilds that still use it. After the
stable version has begun using EAPI 2 use deps, then all uses of built_with_use
in other versions can be considered obsolete and those ebuilds can be removed in
one fell sweep if need be.


- --
If you cannot read my mind, then listen to what I say.

Marijn Schouten (hkBst), Gentoo Lisp project, Gentoo ML
<http://www.gentoo.org/proj/en/lisp/>, #gentoo-{lisp,ml} on FreeNode
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