William Hubbs wrote:
On Tue, Oct 13, 2009 at 10:55:45PM +0200, Branko Badrljica wrote:
Main question is NOT whether it works for you, but whether it will break stuff on significant percent of other users. It broke on my machine, for example, and it was quite disconcerting, since it was at quite inconvenient moment and I had note get to any shred of documentation about ANY kind of substantial behaviour change of new openrc...
The default is to use the old net.ethx style network scripts, which
still work as usual, so, that is why I said that I disagree about there
being a regression.  A regression means that something worked before,
but it doesn't now, and that is not the case if you accept the defaults.

Which I did. I don't have openrc in /etc/portage/package.use, so it was emerged with default USE flags ( if you count default as in "as set in make.conf" ). emerge -pv openrc woould emerge it as:

sys-apps/openrc-0.5.1 [0.4.3-r4] USE="ncurses oldnet%* pam unicode -debug"

... which means with "oldnet" flag.

And whenever I tried it, it broke my system.

If you accept the defaults and it doesn't work, I will gladly agree that
there is a major regression and the package should be masked.  On the
other hand, if the new network scripts  do not work, I don't see that as
a show stopper.  Yes, I would agree that there should be a warning about
turning off the oldnet use flag, but I don't think this warrants masking
the ebuild, unless I am missing something.  If I am, definitely let me
I don't feel comfortable with your philosophy. It doesn't matter how obvious matters seem to you, your changes can affect many people in many situations and configurations, not necessarily allways without unforseen consequences.

I understand that Gentoo is not for pussies and that you can't make an ISO-9001 procedure for every change with every user, but it would really be nice to have at least some _basic_ safety, like mentioning changes in eselect news, or at least on home page of the package.

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