Robin H. Johnson posted on Tue, 16 Feb 2010 04:33:20 +0000 as excerpted:

> On Tue, Feb 16, 2010 at 04:20:27AM +0000, Duncan wrote:
>> """
>> Note that existing databases will need converted as well, again
>> including those upgrading from 5.0 to 5.1. Details can be found in the
>> official upgrade docs at:
>> """
> _may_ need to be converted, not _will_.
>> If you wish to put the unofficial upgrade recommendation in too, that
>> would be fine.
> That would encourage users not to read the above document.


>> Hopefully that'll cover us users that don't particularly care about
>> databases, we just want our kde to work... and it'll continue to do so.
>> =:^)  (IOW, are there any particularly different procedures for
>> upgrading databases in user's $HOME dirs?

> - If you're using embedded MySQL (Amarok), you're going to be on your
>   own.

I'm not going there.  Suffice it to say I'm no longer an amarok user.

> - If you actually ran mysqld as your own user (Akonadi w/ internal MySQL
>   instance), use the mysql_upgrade with suitable parameters to connect
>   to the database (as to what those are, you're the one running it, not
>   me).

It's automagic from here.  I just run kde.  What it does, I don't know.  I 
just don't want it to break!  (And upgrade implications will get worse 
with kde 4.5 in August, as kmail will be depending on it then, and users 
tend to get rather cross when their mail store gets hosed!  With 4.4, it's 
mainly the address book.)

>> Perhaps a note for kde users telling them where their databases are
>> located so they /can/ back them up, etc.)

> I've got no idea where they are located, I just focus on MySQL itself. I
> wasn't even aware of Akonadi's usage until a couple of weeks ago.

What I was suggesting, between the lines, is to coordinate with the kde 
project.  They may want to create their own upgrade document, which might 
be listed in the news release or in a separate one (testing for both mysql 
and kde).  Hopefully they reply to this thread with whatever their 
concerns there might be.

Duncan - List replies preferred.   No HTML msgs.
"Every nonfree program has a lord, a master --
and if you use the program, he is your master."  Richard Stallman

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