mån 2010-03-08 klockan 19:13 +0200 skrev Mart Raudsepp:

> Instead I think we should be improving "eselect profile" to support
> multiple inheriting /etc/make.profile files in a user friendly fashion,
> and in the end removing 249 subprofiles, instead of adding 28+.

I vote for this one. A profile being a only contains what is interesting
for that profile, and you can "stash together" some profiles into your
own cocktail.
Yeah, I know it sounds horrible, but it would still be better then to
only be able to focus on one small set.

For example if I am using the GNOME DE, and have someone other also
using my computer, but who really wants to use KDE. Should I have to
find out what from the KDE profile to enable in my env to make my
GNOME-profile also tingle for KDE?

I think having a set of "base profiles" for toolchains and alike (i.e.
default, hardened) would be good. Then be able to add for example
desktop/gnome or server and/or selinux profiles on top would be
interesting. This also for maintainers, as for example PeBenito can
focus on the selinux part of the profiles, and do not have to keep up to
date with which hardened-compilers are currently masked/unmasked.

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