On Fri, 2010-03-12 at 11:48 +0200, Theo Chatzimichos wrote:
> I found your proposal about mixing profiles awesome, and I am willing to work 
> on this. In fact, I'm going to raise the issue on KDE's meeting this Thursday 
> at 20:00 UTC. Any freedesktop team members will be welcome there. But I'm not 
> going to step up from the current workaround I worked on, as things are not 
> that tragic. I will document and announce everything, and I will be watching 
> forums and IRC for some days to provide support. The only real problem in my 
> opinion would be this, people get confused about useflags and unexpected --
> newuse results. (btw I already announced it once in my blog, I will do it 
> again, and we'll also provide a news item, so I doubt this is even a real 
> problem as well).

I guess it's a question of how long the other proposal takes
implementing. If just a month or two, two migration within that time
period doesn't make so much sense. If we really estimate slow progress
there, then I guess we can have users deal with the multiple migrations
and some months of small benefits from the better profiles.
Just this situation with desktop profiles has existed for as long as
desktop profile have existed, so waiting a couple months more for the
perfect solution (while avoiding multiple migrations) doesn't sound like
a bad idea to me.

I appreciate you intending to take a lead on pushing the other proposal

I guess I should review the gnome subprofile soon, I assume some of our
other guys already did though.

Mart Raudsepp
Gentoo Developer
Mail: l...@gentoo.org
Weblog: http://blogs.gentoo.org/leio

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