On Sun, Mar 28, 2010 at 10:07:52PM +0200, Rennn 'Necoro' Neumann wrote:
> Am 28.03.2010 21:04, schrieb Brian Harring:
> > Instead, if the purpose is a "thanks", why not every once in a while 
> > put up a news item discussing the tools in question?  Such an 
> > approach allows folk to focus in on whatever is useful/interesting 
> > (regardless of origination) and give the same 'thanks' angle and 
> > public exposure for the author in question.
> Like the "Gentoo Weekly/Monthly Newsletter" (R.I.P.)?

Pretty much the notion, although I'd avoid the monthly angle- that 
seems to be the downfall of GWN and kin.

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